Season Finale Episode feat. Over 50 Highlights, In-Depth Stat Breakdowns, High Points of Season & so Much More! Plus, Cyclones Team Photographer & Coach Bailey

Published: March 25, 2022, 11 p.m.

Welcome back to episode thirty three of Inside Cyclones Hockey.

It is the season finale, which means nearly a two hour long episode! Relive some of the best plays and memories from this past season, as well as a break down of every player on the team.

Nate Porath stops by to talk to us a bit about his passion for photography and what it was like being with the team all year long.

Coach Bailey joins the pod for one last chat, reflecting on the season as a whole and shares his favorite moment of his young coaching career.

We hope you enjoy this episode. Please consider sharing it around as it was a ton of work to put together, and we would love for as many ears to hear it as possible!

Thank you for all your continued support. 

Now, from the Eye of the Cyclone..

Season Stats and Highlights w/ Jake Sennholz 
:05 - 1:20:17

Cyclones Photographer Nate Porath
1:20:44 - 1:29:31

Coach's Corner w/ Colin Bailey
1:29:52 - 1:41:27

Make sure you keep up with all things Cyclones this off season by heading to and following @WausauCyclones on your favorite social media.

You can follow Jake on Twitter @SennholzOnSport

Have a great off-season, and Go Clones!!!