Ep. 5: Inside Cyclones Hockey - Player Breakdown & Analysis, Billet Families and Giveaways Galore!

Published: July 13, 2021, 7 p.m.

Welcome back for episode five of Inside Cyclones Hockey.

Closer and closer to hockey season we become! As promised, we have started to discuss specific players you will see in the black, white and yellow this season. Find out where they are from, their recent stats, and what to expect from them on the ice!

We also really need quality Billet families to join the organization. Zach expounds further, but if you or anyone you know would be a good fit, please contact us asap!

Now, from the Eye of the Cyclone..

Intro & Player Analysis w/ PxP Jake Sennholz
:08 - 12:47

Billets, Giveaways and Much More w/ Zach Serwe
13:00 - 25:14

You can follow the Cyclones on your favorite social media platforms by searching @WausauCyclones

You can follow Jake on Twitter by searching @SennholzOnSport

As always, further information on anything we discuss can be found at WausauCyclones.com

Go Clones!

Inside Cyclones Hockey is presented by Diggers Hotline. Dial 811 from any phone in Wisconsin. Or even easier, go to www.DiggersHotline.com.