Ep. 4: Inside Cyclones Hockey - Bowman Showcase in Review, Stanley Cup Finals and 4th of July Plans

Published: June 29, 2021, 5 p.m.

Welcome back for episode four of Inside Cyclones Hockey.

We've got an easy going, light hearted episode on tap for you today.

Jake, Zach and Colin all weigh in with their thoughts on the Stanley Cup finals, and Montreal's improbable run, as well as discuss upcoming fourth of July plans.

Don't worry, there is still plenty of NA3 conversation to boot!

Now, from the Eye of the Cyclone..

Intro w/ PxP Jake Sennholz
:8 - 3:18

Schedule and Promo Night Updates w/ Zach Serwe
3:30 - 21:00

Coach's Corner w/ Colin Bailey
21:28 - 28:16

You can follow the Cyclones on your favorite social media platforms by searching @WausauCyclones

You can follow Jake on Twitter by searching @SennholzOnSport

As always. further information on anything we discuss can be found at WausauCyclones.com

Inside Cyclones Hockey is presented by Diggers Hotline. Dial 811 from any phone in Wisconsin. Or even easier, go to www.DiggersHotline.com.