Ep. 23: Inside Cyclones Hockey - The Goalie Show

Published: Jan. 13, 2022, 4 p.m.

Welcome back to episode twenty three of Inside Cyclones Hockey.

The old adage has come true in today's episode as we really do have a true goalie show on our hands. From one strange mind to another, Jake dives deep into the hard work and thought process that has shaped G #30 Mitch Miscevich's career thus far.

Amongst many other things, they touch on his growth between the pipes, tendencies as a goalie, favorite players growing up and even the never dying Bears/Packers rivalry. 

Zach Serwe also joins the show to remind you of all the fun and free stuff we've got coming your way has the season enters its home stretch.

Buckle in in, its a longie but a goodie here on Inside Cyclones Hockey!

Now, from the eye of the Cyclone..

Weekend Recap, Cyclones Winning Streak & Powerplay Success w/ PxP Voice & Host Jake Sennholz
:32 - 15:50

Weiner Dog Races, Pint Glass Giveaway & Cyclones Alumni Night w/ Zach Serwe
16:19 - 29:49

Players Only - The Life of a Goaltender w/ G #30 Mitch Miscevich
31:01 - 1:16:04

You can follow the Cyclones across your favorite social media by searching @WausauCyclones 

You can follow Jake on Twitter by searching @SennholzOnSport

As always, further information on anything we discuss can be found at WausauCyclones.com

Go Clones!!