Ep. 16: Inside Cyclones Hockey - Cyclones Win in a Shootout! We Raised A TON of Money in October. Weekend Preview Against Undefeated Grizzlies & Coach Bailey Returns.

Published: Nov. 5, 2021, 7 p.m.

Welcome back for episode sixteen of Inside Cyclones Hockey.

We apologize for not having a players only segment for the second week in a row. You can expect two great interviews next episode!

Gage Vierzba played the hero Friday night, scoring the game tying goal and shootout winner for the Cyclones fifth victory over the Jr. Blues this season. Now, the Cyclones turn their attention to the undefeated, 13-0 Rochester Grizzlies.

If you or anyone you know runs a non profit, and could benefit from a fundraiser, please listen to today's segment with Zach Serwe. Over $3000 was raised across just four games in October!

Now, from the eye of the Cyclone..

Weekend Recap and Rochester Preview w/ PxP Voice & Host Jake Sennholz
:06 - 9:32

Group Ticket Info, Upcoming Promotions, Giveaways and Fundraisers w/ Zach Serwe
10:00 - 16:45

Coach's Corner w/ Colin Bailey 
17:12 - 21:22

You can follow the Wausau Cyclones on your favorite social media by searching @WausauCyclones

You can follow Jake on Twitter by searching @SennholzOnSport

As always, further information on anything we discuss can be found at WausauCyclones.com

Go Clones!!