Gillian Bellinger, How to Utilise Improv for Collaboration and Creativity - InnovaBuzz 386

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, 8 p.m.

In this episode, I’m really excited to have as my guest, Gillian Bellinger, who has been a corporate improv trainer for 15 years. She helps companies provide support to their employees through interpersonal communication skills, public speaking, and leadership development. She has taught workshops for PricewaterhouseCoopers, Amgen, Kaiser Permenente, Westfield Corporate, Cartoon Network, TBS, Luther College, Mt. Aloysius College, Macy's, State Farm, AT Kearney, National Business Travelers’ Association,, and Gilda’s Club to name a few Gillian has presented as a speaker at the National Association of Campus Activities and the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders. She currently trains for five different companies Westside Corporate Creativity, Business Improvisations®, and Mind Gym, Hemsley Fraser, and H2F Bookings, and is in the process of becoming a board-certified Professional Certified Coach. In our discussion, Gillian talked to me about: Why we should create space to be open to possibilities which is critical to innovation The power of self-reflection to adapt to and lead change Lessons from Improv to business and life Listen to the podcast to learn more. Show Notes and Blog The Podcasts See for privacy information.