Chinese Room Thought Experiment ITF Read & Watch: After Yang (2010 short story & 2022 film)

Published: Sept. 15, 2022, 11:31 p.m.


Filmmaker Kogonada adapts a heady sci-fi story written by Alexander Weinstein into a thoughtful, melancholic piece about the nature of existence, artificial intelligence, and the ethics of personhood. In episode 241, Luke & James consider the \\u201cChinese Room thought experiment,\\u201d debate Asimov\\u2019s Three Laws of Robotics, the power of immigrants being able to name themselves, the opening credit dance, depression in a relative utopia, Colin Farrell\'s lack of emotion, the difference between written and video essays, and the value of historical preservation vs. violating privacy.

They end by casting their votes on which was better: the short story or the movie!


  • Reckoning 6 (contains Luke Elliott\\u2019s short story \\u201cWhat Good is a Sad Backhoe\\u201d)
  • Unnamed by Monte Lin

Ink to Film

Luke Elliott

James Bailey
