'If you don't see yourself anywhere, your narrative doesn't exist...'

Published: April 10, 2019, 11:05 p.m.

S02 Episode 15: Theatre maker Georgia Frost shares her views on mental health. DISCLAIMER: We apologise for the varying quality in noise levels during this episode-we were unfortunately unable to record this interview in a private space. Hear Georgia discuss the gender equality movement, the importance of representation across creatives for the LGBTQ+ community and how we need to ensure the rhetoric used in drama schools and the industry is inclusive and encouraging. Georgia is one third of GEMA, Gender Equality Movement for Actors: a collective devoted to promoting opportunity & visibility for female-identifying/non-binary actors & creatives. She also is one half of Otherland, a Queer Theatre Company presenting 'The Queen Season' this April-June at the Tristan Bates Theatre. https://www.tristanbatestheatre.co.uk/whats-on/the-queer-season Cathy and Scarlett are not medical professionals - just two young women on a mission to open up the conversation on mental health by sharing as many individual stories and experiences as possible.