Published: March 25, 2020, 1:40 a.m.


Maria and Julio are joined by power couple, husband and wife: ITT All-Star, Wajahat Ali, contributing Op-Ed writer with The\\xa0New York Times and CNN commentator, and Dr. Sarah Kureshi, physician at Georgetown Family Medicine. They talk about the medical and economic impacts of COVID-19, how their family is approaching social distancing, and what we can do to play our part in containing this outbreak. ITT Staff Picks: - Julio\'s latest for The Washington Post about President Trump\\u2019s mishandling of the crisis and his inclination to blame immigrants.\\xa0 - How the Coronavirus Became an American Catastrophe,\\xa0via The Atlantic. - As communities go into lockdown during the pandemic, the people most at risk for getting sick - because they must leave home to do their jobs - are largely people of color via\\xa0The Washington Post. Also, check out our engineer Leah Shaw\'s latest single that closes out this episode\\xa0here.\\xa0 We want to keep hearing from you and how you\\u2019re COVID Coping.\\xa0Tell us how you\'re finding joy and hope in these unprecedented times. Call us to leave a voicemail on the In The Thick hotline at (505) 226-8973 or\\xa0send us a voice memo\\xa0via email to\\\\xa0 \\xa0\\xa0 \\xa0\\xa0 \\xa0


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