Confronting Climate Change: Solutions for a Sustainable World

Published: Oct. 5, 2022, 6:21 p.m.


Wrapping up #USCEarthWeek, experts from a variety of fields will look at the impacts of the climate crisis and discuss ways to create a more sustainable world, including ecological design, sustainable consumption, and production, and implementing institutional change.

  • Jennifer Bernstein\\xa0is a lecturer at the Spatial Sciences Institute at USC. She studies contemporary environmentalism with a focus on inclusiveness and collaboration, and has been published in the\\xa0Washington Post, the\\xa0San Francisco Chronicle, and\\xa0The Conversation. She recently published her first book,\\xa0SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production, with co-author\\xa0Robert O. Vos.
    Mick Dalrymple\\xa0is USC\\u2019s Chief Sustainability Officer. With 21 years of accomplishment in the sustainability field, he helped Arizona State University earn the #1 ranking in\\xa0Sierra Magazine\\u2019s Coolest Schools list and carbon neutrality six years early. He is also a produced feature film screenwriter and an author of more than 50 published articles.
  • Alexander Robinson\\xa0is a landscape architect, researcher, and scholar. As an associate professor in the Landscape Architecture + Urbanism program at USC, he researches how infrastructure can function as landscape, exploring methods to re-envision ecological function and community value. His most recent book,\\xa0The Spoils of Dust: Reinventing the Lake that Made Los Angeles\\xa0is a history, field analysis, and design investigation into Owens Lake.
  • Jill Sohm\\xa0(moderator)\\xa0is an associate professor of Environmental Studies and director of the Environmental Studies Program at USC. She is trained as a biological oceanographer and microbial ecologist, and her research is student centered. Currently leading an initiative to expand sustainability in the USC curriculum through grants and faculty development workshops, her career is focused on educating the next generation of environmental leaders.

