24. Ive saved $0 for my upcoming unpaid maternity leave

Published: Jan. 4, 2022, 7 a.m.

b'On paper, saving for maternity leave shouldn\\u2019t be an issue for Hannia and Alex. She earns $100,000 a year, but she likes to spend her money as soon as payday arrives. She plays many subconscious tricks (I call it the \\u201cInnocent Doe\\u201d technique) to justify a $300 drop at Target and her Old Navy credit card debt.\\xa0\\nLet\\u2019s disregard the distractions. What\\u2019s the real reason why Hannia cannot save money? And how is her humble childhood in Costa Rica playing out in her everyday money decisions?\\nSometimes, advanced financial concepts have to take a backseat to get honest with the numbers\\u2014and ourselves. It\\u2019s time to get real.\\xa0\\nConnect with Ramit\\n\\nWebsite\\n\\nInstagram\\n\\nTwitter\\n\\nFacebook\\n\\nYouTube\\n\\nLinkedin\\n\\n\\nIf you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here.\\nProduced by Crate Media.'