Handbook for Mortals

Published: Dec. 22, 2019, 5:11 p.m.



Because YOU demanded it (several years ago), and because this is our annual special rule-breaking holiday episode, we finally whip out our wands and make appear an episode about one-time YA teapot tempest Handbook for Mortals! Rock and roll, hair dye, motorcycle rides, dads, moms, tarot, magic, magik, and ... typos, cliches, and what may well be literature\'s first-ever love octagon.

Probably the worst prose since Eye of Argon, the most all-italics pages since Wild Animus, and the overall harshest toke we\'ve taken in a long, long time.


  • Our Band Could Be Your Life\\xa0by Michael Azerrad
  • The Future Is Here and Everything Must Be Destroyed by Colette Arrand

Music Thoughts:
