From Married to Divorced & Living Her Dream: Vicki Landers, Age 53

Published: Jan. 8, 2024, 11 a.m.

b"Do you ever feel like making one major change in your life could cause everything else to fall apart? Like that one thing that you are not happy with, whether it's a job or a relationship that you are settling for, is responsible for holding up everything else that's good in your life. But what if you looked at it from a different perspective? What if that one thing is actually preventing everything else that's good in your life from being great?\\n\\nIn today's episode, I talk to Vicki Landers about how she decided to leave her marriage to pursue a more fulfilling life. \\nWe discuss:\\n- The Decision to Leave\\n A. Initial fear and uncertainty\\n B. Realization that change was necessary\\n C. Support from friends and family\\n- Life After Divorce\\n A. Challenges and struggles\\n B. Personal growth and new opportunities\\n C. Improved relationships with children\\n- Moving Forward\\n A. Life as a professional speaker and life coach\\n B. Helping others through similar situations\\n C. Finding happiness and fulfillment"