How Game of Thrones and Braveheart Star Rose from Rock Bottom to Whiskey Barron, STORY MAN - James Cosmo

Published: Oct. 9, 2023, 4 a.m.


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Outside: cold, black November evening.

Inside: a warm, cosy flat in Twickenham.

Saturday\\u2019s movie about to start.

Hot curry on his lap.


The phone rang and rang and rang and rang.

He gave a piercingly-curt look to his wife.

\\u201cNo, no, no PLEASE don\\u2019t answer - it\\u2019ll be Jim wanting to go down to the pub\\u201d

His wife answered anyway.

Frustration clawed and screeched across his face.

Gleefully, she looked at looked at him: \\u201cit\\u2019s Mel Gibson\\u201d

He said \\u201cget out of here\\u2026 you\\u2019re pulling leg\\u201d

Reluctantly, he picked up.

Mel Gibson said: \\u201cJim, I want you to play Campbell in Braveheart\\u201d

After that phone call James\\u2019 life forever changed.

Thrilled to welcome James Cosmo, on to the podcast.

James had an illustrious acting career: Brave Heart, Trainspotting, TROY and Game of Thrones and many more.

Now he\\u2019s plying his trade in whiskey, founder of the brand, STORYMAN.

This episode is a Master Class is NEVER, EVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS.


1. If you believe in your heart, you're doing something moral and ethical and courageous, the universe will conspire to make things happen

2. Why challenger food and drink founders must embrace being \\u201cThe ant at the damn, well you haven't met be yet\\u201d

3. Mel Gibson leadership lessons: go the extra mile + be the first one there + it's going to be fantastic + the leader eats last

4. Why you must embrace nerves: nerves give you 40% better performance + You need to feel unsure of your footing, to know your balance is right

5. Danny Boyle and Trainspotting Leadership lessons: The Kiwi vs. Shiny apples analogy: be different, not better

Full episode goes live Monday 8am.
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