Ep. 309: Expert Organizing Tips with NEAT Method

Published: May 16, 2023, 7 a.m.

b"Get inspired to conquer your spring cleaning projects this week as we welcome Ashley and Marissa, the co-founders of the Neat Method Luxury Home Organizing Company.The Neat Method is the largest professional luxury organizing company in the US and Canada in terms of staffers, and Ashley and Marissa share why organizing is an extension of a well-curated space and how it goes hand in hand with design. They share a few of their favorite tips and tools for getting started, the pros of having an organization service, and how to set yourself up for success so that organizing makes your life easier and you feel more comfortable and connected in your space.\\xa0\\nWhat You\\u2019ll Hear On This Episode:\\n\\nHow Ashley and Marissa met their third business partner and expanded from one Bay Area location to a franchise with over 98 markets.\\xa0\\n\\nWhy would someone need an organizer?\\xa0\\n\\nWhere should we start with organizing our homes?\\xa0\\n\\nHow organizing is the additional layer to a home, especially after we\\u2019ve put so much effort in decorating it.\\xa0\\n\\nAshley and Marissa share their favorite tools for organizing.\\xa0\\n\\nIdeas for storing nostalgic items like your kids' paintings and rogue items that generally cause clutter like chords.\\xa0\\n\\nThe importance of having a donation bin or bag as you go along.\\xa0\\n\\nHow to know when it\\u2019s time to toss something or try to organize it!\\xa0\\n\\nHaving others to keep you accountable helps speed up the process.\\xa0\\n\\nWhat about the basement and garage?\\xa0\\n\\n\\nMentioned in This Episode:\\nNeat Method\\n@neatmethod"