Bonus Episode: Entertaining Disasters

Published: Nov. 23, 2016, 8 a.m.

b"This week we\\u2019re bringing you a bonus\\xa0episode, and we\\u2019re talking entertaining! Our plan was to bring you a short extra\\xa0episode with our entertaining stories \\u2014 to get you in the spirit of Thanksgiving \\u2014 but of course, we gabbed for over an hour. But, if you listen to the whole episode, you\\u2019ll hear\\xa0our tried and true secrets, entertaining disasters, and suggestions for being a great guest.\\n WHAT YOU'LL HEAR ON THE SHOW\\n Karen\\u2019s Napkin Tricks: both removing stains after a dinner party and an easy ironing trick\\n The time I lit two dinner napkins on fire\\n Karen\\u2019s\\xa0ongoing entertaining disaster \\u2014 under cooking meat\\n Karen\\u2019s worst disaster \\u2014 it involves a lasagna and an old oven mit\\n The time Taryn exploded an entire bottle of wine in a crowded restaurant\\n Our thoughts on signature cocktails\\n All of our best flower arranging tips \\u2014 including which combination of flowers to buy\\n My mom\\u2019s three keys to a good party \\u2014 good music, good food, good people\\n The importance of traditions during the holidays, especially food traditions\\n How to cook one end of your tenderloin faster so you can offer both well done and rare\\n Your requirements as a party guest \\u2014 RSVPing and being festive and fun\\n Our tips for cleaning up"