The Witcher. And The Sandman (kind of)

Published: Sept. 30, 2020, 3 a.m.

Alternative title: Have fun getting 'toss a coin to your witcher' out of your head. We sing it three times

Join Alex and Claire for a round table discussion of The Witcher; the TV show, the Ps4 game, the novels of Andrzej Sapkowski, and the treelike acting of Henry Cavil AKA posh man-log.

Lured by the promise of Taron Edgerton, Alex failed to get through the audio book version of The Sandman. She explains the deeply confusing experience of listening to 1988 Neil Gaiman pretend to know how lesbians work.

Sideswipes taken at the last season of Game of Thrones, Outlander, amnesia, and YOUR MUM PROBABLY.  Be there or a magician will spearhead a campaign to kill all chicks born on Boxing Day.

TW. Rape is a theme in both novels and is discussed throughout the podcast