11B. Francis Davidson of Sonder... on regulations

Published: Oct. 31, 2019, 10 a.m.

Sonder has found itself at the center of perhaps the hottest sector in the travel industry this year.

Some might argue that the buzz around private accommodation has never really gone away since the emergence of Airbnb and other brands at the turn of this decade.

But the evidence suggests that investors are taking a significant interest once more in hospitality brands generally (Exhibit A: OYO) and alternative accommodation platforms specifically.

Sonder was one of those sites that emerged in the wake of Airbnb's trailblazing in 2012. Yet it's model, strategy and focus is very different, as CEO and co-founder Francis Davidson is keen to explain.

The company is now in the so-called "unicorn club" following its $210 million funding round earlier year, so is naturally under the spotlight as it expands and evolves.

Davidson joins us for the latest episode of How I Got Here.

HIGH is a weekly show produced by PhocusWire and Mozio, aimed at getting the inside stories behind startups and innovation in travel and transportation.

Other episodes: on PhocusWire and Mozio.