Ep. 73 Very Emotional Fourth Trimester During a Pandemic

Published: June 5, 2020, 1:57 a.m.

b'Fair warning - this is a really raw and vulnerable episode! The 4th trimester has been ROUGH to say the least. But we WILL make it through - together!\\xa0\\nShow Notes:\\n\\xa0\\n01:07 - Jamie shares that it really is hard having a baby during the pandemic!\\n03:41 - Jamie shares that parenting a second child is still difficult and it feels like a whole new world!\\n04:55 - Doug and Jamie talk about how they are trying really hard to make sure that their kids don\\u2019t feel like they have to compete for their love and attention.\\n05:55 - Jamie shares her struggles with feeling like she is letting Henley down by not being able to help her at times. She shares that she thinks she is dealing with postpartum blues.\\n10:00 - Jamie shares that she and Doug are struggling with parenting two kids and they are wanting to try to do couple\\u2019s counseling.\\n13:38 - Jamie shares that she doesn\\u2019t like who she is right now and how she is struggling through the 4th trimester.\\n15:15 - Jamie shares that she is working hard at getting better. She also shares that one positive of this time is that she doesn\\u2019t care about her body image postpartum.\\xa0\\n18:00 - Doug shares that the pandemic takes a toll and assures Jamie that his family does understand that they cannot hold the babies even though Jamie is struggling with it.\\n19:45 - Doug and Jamie talk about how they watched a documentary and are beginning the vegan lifestyle to get healthier - they are loving spinach right now!\\n21:40 - Doug shares that he and Jamie will conquer the postpartum blues together!\\n22:19 - Jamie shares that she doesn\\u2019t want anyone to think she is perfect and great all of the time because that\\u2019s not the real world! She doesn\\u2019t want to make anyone feel bad about themselves!\\n23:40 - Next week we will be doing a Q&A to answer any and all questions you have!\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'