HITM for January 15, 2024: Gobi Cold Camel Expedition, Trailer Myths and Dog Results by WERM Flooring

Published: Jan. 15, 2024, 6:10 p.m.


Our Trailer 101 Series continues with Brad dispelling some of the popular Myths and misconceptions.  Kaleigh Marie, from Braveheart Beasts, tells us about her upcoming adventure in the Gobi Cold Camel Expedition and Jamie has the results of our informal dog pole.  Listen in\\u2026

HORSES IN THE MORNING Episode 3343 \\u2013 Show Notes and Links:

05:40 - Daily Whinnies

19:16 - Kaleigh Marie

29:10 - Double D Trailers 101

46:20 - Dog Survey Results
