Actress Cristen Coppen & Cabernet Franc

Published: Dec. 12, 2017, 8:36 a.m.

With its notorious instability at an all-time high, is Hollywood worth a full-time effort anymore? For actress Cristen Coppen and many others working in the entertainment industry, the answer, increasingly, is no. Despite regular work and appearances on countless TV shows and movies including Road Trip and Hulu’s Casual, Cristen set out from the beginning to complement her entertainment career with outside endeavors like her handmade jewelry company and investments in several John Deere dealerships. While drinking cabernet franc, she discusses her many professional and personal passions—like her female mentoring program I Am Now Me—that allow her to pursue acting from a healthy emotional and financial perspective. Also, sitcom writer Pete Tibbals fills in for the night for Scott, who was blocked by wildfires from making the trip into town for the episode. Or he’s just lazy.