Continuity, adaptation, change: the roles and workings of the OECD in global education governance with Tore Bernt Srensen

Published: June 1, 2021, 10:52 a.m.


In the podcast, Dr Tore Bernt S\\xf8rensen talks about the roles, ideas, workings and influence of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in global education governance, historically and currently. The podcast draws especially on the special issue Re-reading the OECD and education: the emergence of a global governing complex, of which Tore was a guest editor together with Christian Ydesen (Aalborg University) and Susan L. Robertson (University of Cambridge). The special issue was published in Globalisation, Societies and Education in March 2021. 


Talking to Tore, is Dr Janja Komljenovic, a Lecturer of Higher Education at Lancaster University and the Director of CHERE@LU.
