Published: April 28, 2014, 1:32 a.m.


I use to be more than enough-
I meant more to you than folk and stuff!
I use to be more than enough-
I was all you needed when the road got rough!

Yesterday I was your soul's desire
when you felt empty and mentally tired!
My voice was all your soul would need
to stop the oozing, emotional bleed!

Yesterday My love was greater than your pain;
In your heart and life I ruled, I reigned!
Yesterday you strived to give Me your best.
Yesterday you bathed in My loving rest!

Where is that man of God,
who overcame fiery trials?
Where is that woman of God
who once walked the extra mile?

Yesterday you worshiped at My feet!
Yesterday you joyfully danced and leaped.
Yesterday you rose at the start of your day
to seek My face, meditate, and pray!

Yesterday you heard My name and you smiled;
You walked by My side like a happy child!
Yesterday you thought about Me all the time;
I was Yours and you were Mine!

Yesterday I was your closest friend;
Your love for Me quenched your desire to sin!
Your love for Me rejected every type of lie.
My love was better to you than a drug addict's high!

Where is that man of God
who once prayed without ceasing?
Who is this woman of God,
frequently depressed and weeping?

Yesterday under my wings of love
the storms of life you soared above.
Yesterday I was your Superpower!
Yesterday you leaned on me every hour!

I use to be your Daily Bread.
You use to follow wherever I led!
I use to be your only hope and salvation.
I was once the center of your conversation!

Blessed with My merciful grace,
you once ran a pretty good race!
I use to be the very air that you breathed;
Every word I spoke is what you believed.

What happened? Do you know?
Do you remember when you let Me go?
It wasn't an obvious type of good-bye;
the kind you can pinpoint when and why.

It wasn't the big, but the small that caused you to
spiritually stumble and fall!
It was the subtle attacks that come day-by-day
that slowly drew your heart astray!

You subtly began to no longer pray.
You subtly began to lose your way.
You subtly detached from Me, your power,
and joined the world's garden of withered flowers.

It was the broken pieces of your unhealed heart
that caused you to mentally and emotionally depart.
You left in typical human nature style-
Bitter, worried, and behaving like a child!

You made your problems bigger than Me!
Your spiritual eyes can barely see!
You are barely able to hear My voice.
I no longer cause your heart to rejoice!

I use to be more than enough-
The one you worshiped and adored!
The one you once called King and Lord,
Now beckons you to reopen the door!

His servant,
Sandra G Williams

Soundtrack: "Can't Give Up Now"