Head of the Cast Episode 11: Goes In Your Mouth

Published: Nov. 11, 2013, 5:19 a.m.

Bill returns to the non-air waves after a one week absence. After introducing Effie as this week's 2nd Chair occupant, Bill announces that Head of the Cast is the newest member of the Radio Fubar family while also reminding everyone that the show is also available on Stitcher Smart Radio. Gutter Monk wants to know if food and beverage manufacturers should have to put calorie information on everything consumers consume and if pornstars should be viewed as normal human beings. Bill and Effie break down Cracked.com's list of movies that are getting sequels 20 years (or more) after the original movie was released. Bill does a horrible Eddie Murphy impression after doing an even worse Ice T impression. Celebrity "chef" and king dude-bro douche Guy Fieri got in a slap fight with his hair dresser. America has finally filtered the smell out of our farts with charcoal filtered underwear. Yes.

**Check out FollowMyHead.com for the ENHANCED show notes for this episode!**

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