FUHcast Episode 075: Not One Of The Good Ones

Published: Oct. 15, 2012, 5:43 a.m.

Don't let the title steer you away, this FUHcast IS one of the good ones! Jim kicks 'er off with a great rundown. Jim delights us all with his patented SPOILER FREE review of time leaping sci-fi flick Looper. The Hulk Hogan sex tape story gets more gruesome when names like Love Sponge get involved. Lindsey Lohan is going to whore it up with a porn star co-star in a new movie from one of Jim's favorite authors. A celebrity Jackass pulls a gun on a puppy on Twitter; find out if he makes the standard Hollywood apology. The show must go on when a television crap peddler faints on air. TV talk plays a big part in the last section of the show. Shows that got delayed, shows that should get canceled, shows that you should watch, shows that the listeners watch, shows that no one wants to watch, and shows that really should be made. Voicemails and Facebook questions round out the TV talk nicely. The guys thank everyone for nominating them for the People's Choice Podcast Awards and promise to keep everyone updated on the status of FUHcast's nomination. 

****Check out FILEUNDERHORRIBLE.com for this week's ENHANCED show notes!****

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