Episode 52: Going Lal Out

Published: Jan. 18, 2021, 9:06 p.m.

b"It's the HDOG POD 1-year anniversary special & I'm joined by the one, the only Rishi Lal! Holla! He recounts his favourite memories of me when he worked at TSN including a huge embellishment of my famed Baconator story & then I turn the tables & share some of his legendary faux pas, including one involving Wikipedia and another improperly worded script!\\n\\nHe discusses working in the business of sports in the Canadian Hockey League, I chirp him for a wedding invite SNAFU and I eviscerated him for liking two NFL teams in the Las Vegas Raiders and Atlanta Falcons and ponder why Jon Gruden hasn't been getting much grief for failing to make the playoffs in three straight seasons.\\n\\nHe shares an epic story about TSN anchor Rod Smith involving Toronto Blue Jay Roberto Alomar, we discuss whether the James Harden deal will blow up in the Brooklyn Nets' face and we discuss whether there's a light at the end of the tunnel for the struggling Toronto Raptors.\\n\\nWe take people to task for not wearing masks, discuss the current state of the world & to end off on a positive note, Rishi sings a stirring rendition of his favourite Oasis song \\u201cWonderwall\\u201d & saving the best for last, there's yet another classic blooper from me!"