Lockdown diaries series 2 by Akshitha

Published: July 6, 2020, 11 a.m.


Lockdown diaries series 2 by Akshitha


I am Akshitha an app developer and very passionate  about writing and love travelling and get lost in the beauty of nature. I love spending time with friends and hanging out.My 3 am friends are my greatest strength and we always stand for each other. I write what i feel and what i learn from the situations.


I want to spread more  awarness about mental health among people. So i have started a page on instagram to connect with people.







Do you want to become a published writer - well we have so many different opportunities happening -


Happy London Press  encouraging new talents to take up writing short stories  - and enter the Hi2020 short story competition - for a chance to get published.


HURRY-3 more WEEKS -   https://www.hi2020.co.uk


Or for New magazine How to Write Short Stories - with a detailed account especially writing for new writers. https://www.happylondonpress.com/welcome-how-to-write-a-short-story-1
