Calls of Nature; four exquisite poems by Alan Rayner

Published: Jan. 18, 2021, 10 a.m.


Calls of Nature; four exquisite poems by Alan Rayner


The new era we are travelling into with the covid lockdowns is a time to reflect on the wondrous life around us that can spiritually heal us. 


Here Alan reads 4 of his beautiful poems that highlights nature\'s calm.


About Alan


I am an evolutionary ecologist, writer and artist. I was born in Nairobi, Kenya in 1950 and gained BA and PhD degrees at King\\u2019s College, Cambridge in 1972 and 1975. I was a Reader in Biology at the University of Bath from 1985 to 2011 and have published numerous papers and books, the latter including, most recently, \'The Origin of Life Patterns in the Natural Inclusion of Space in Flux\\u2019. I was President of the British Mycological Society in 1998 and of Bath Natural History Society from 2012 - 2018. Since 2000, I have been pioneering understanding of \'natural inclusion\', the receptive-responsive evolutionary relationship between space and energy in all material form.




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