
Published: July 9, 2016, 7:30 p.m.

HJRP1707 Your Hosts: Stu, Kimi, Stork, Tim Show Notes! Steve in Atlanta left us a voice mail at (626) 629-8RPG. Rusanno Greenstripe asks about Indoctrinating Newcomers. Gaming horror story followup from Joe. Sgt Dan tells us about his DruCon game. Kenigma writes in about the weight of money. David asks us to mention that he’s joined a group that’s raising money for extra-life.org.  David's Extra Life Team: http://www.carnagecon.com/2016/06/21/extra-life-at-carnage-royale/ Mace in Charlotte NC (mentioned by Sgt Dan): http://www.justusproductions.com/category/justus-events/mace/ Thank you to everyone who emailed us.