HJRP1604 Happy Jacks RPG Podcast Season 16 Episode 04

Published: Dec. 22, 2015, 3:30 a.m.

HJRP1604 Your Hosts: Stu & Stork Show Notes! We close out the year with a two-man episode. With Star Wars: the Force Awakens having opened the day before -- and the holidays -- it was just the two of us. There will be NO EPISODE on CHRISTMAS DAY. If Stu finds time, he'll release a little GM Briefing around then. Ben from Texas asks us about aligning player expectations and wants with the theme of the game the GM is planning. He also suggest the Edge of the Empire episode of The One Shot Podcast. Alverant wrote in with a response to PunkMonkey's email about a player waiting for the "plot train." Linus writes in about maps, Kult and a podcast recommendation. Yeknom tells us about his convention game experiences. And Sir Guido sends in a horror story.