HJRP1603 Happy Jacks RPG Podcast Season 16 Episode 03

Published: Dec. 13, 2015, 5:42 p.m.

HJRP1603 Your hosts: Stu, Stork, Samantha and Tim A big thank you to EasyRollerDice.com for sponsoring this episode! Check out their new Legendary Copper and Serpent's Blood metal dice offering. Use coupon code SANTA for 10% off on your order. Also: if you sign up for their newsletter, you will get an additional code for 5% off. Double dip! Show Notes! Jeff in Michigan asks us to discuss the pitfalls of using real life places, people and events. He also asks about a player who desperately wants railroad tracks for the game. Ryan asks us to play "who's the douchebag?" Him, or his player who wandered off on his own. (this is always a fun topic) Hank tells us about a Kickstarter failure rate study. He also, in a PS, tells us about Smek JRR Tolkien toll utlosning, a delightful game about giving old JRR a handy. It's NSFW and requires the old Shockwave plugin. William tells us about the strange healing powers of Numenera for wayward gamers. Matthew from the UK sends us what should be a regular part of the show: a confession from a GM for some poor judgement, and how he learned from his mistake. It involves a transexual samurai. And Pete from St Albans delights us with a horror story. Thanks again to EasyR0llerDice.com for sponsoring this episode of Happy Jacks! If you have a moment, please check out their site.