What's My Line (Ending)?

Published: Dec. 16, 2020, 5 a.m.

What happens when you get a bunch of actors to try out some end-stopped and open-ended lines?  This episode, obviously!

So often, we rely on the magic of actors to fix our verse drama, that it's time to let the actors give their honest opinion about what they need from a line of verse.

Looking at King Arthur verse from 1587 to the 2008 Cupid and Psyche "Bad Quarto", we're moving gently and with laughter through the good, the bad, and the unactable in verse drama.

Featuring verse from: The Misfortunes of Arthur (Sir Thomas Hughes), and Cupid and Psyche (Emily C. A. Snyder)

Featuring the voices of:

As promised, the 2008 "Bad Quarto" and the 2014 NYC Revision of Cupid and Psyche are available for $15+ patrons.  Check it out!

BAD QUARTO: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45167460

BUY ON AMAZON: https://amzn.to/34of6ra


to texts, links, and full transcripts: https://www.hamlettohamilton.com/s1e7.html

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