S3 E16: Using Poetic Imagery and Techniques in Verse Drama

Published: Feb. 19, 2023, 4:42 p.m.


We\'re at our Season 3 finale!  Looking at how to use poetic imagery and poetic techniques to enhance your verse drama...or to ruin it.  (Bless you T. S. Eliot, for showing us what not to do.)  We\'re looking at how Shakespeare succeeds (Antony and Cleopatra) and fails (Romeo and Juliet) at using poetic imagery, as well as how T. S. Eliot uses poetic techniques well in his poetry (Four Quartets)...aaaaand not so well in his plays (The Cocktail Party).  PLUS!  You get to hear Emily laugh for a full minute, before attempting her version of a very posh British accent for good old Eliot\'s work.


Up next, we\'re going to be offering you various interviews from contemporary verse dramatists, before we jump into Season 4, which will look at the evolution of the history of Anglophone verse drama from the Medieval Ages through to the closing of the theatres in the 1640\'s.  That\'s in conjunction with the brilliant Beyond Shakespeare Company podcast, so check them out while you\'re waiting for S4 to drop!


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