
Published: July 12, 2016, 5:02 p.m.

The human mind is capable of amazing things. Coming up with the computer I’m typing on, writing MLK’s famous ‘I have a dream’ speech, moving the brush to form van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’, developing every vaccine and medical breakthrough ever. The mind is there, front and center for everything. It is THE cause in the cause and effect relationship. And yet, we have almost no idea what is going on in there. Chemicals this, hormones that, add a dash of heredity and we’re starting to brew a cocktail that no one can help to understand. Yet, some people still try. One such masochist is today’s guest Emily Anhalt. She is currently a psychotherapist and psychological assistant, and is at the very end of a long road to becoming a psychologist where she will continue to better help people understand their relationships to the man (or woman) in the mirror. What does she think about mind? What does she think about thinking? What does she think about thinking about your thinking? Disclaimer: Emily Anhalt is a psychotherapist and psychological assistant working under the license of a supervisor. Her interview is not about trying to garner patients or offer advice, she wanted to talk about and make more accessible to people, what it is that happens in psychoanalytic psychotherapy