McGinn Continued

Published: Sept. 15, 2021, 1:09 a.m.


Last Friday, Crystal and Executive Director of America Walks (and former Seattle mayor), Mike McGinn, talked for so long that it made for a two-part show! In the second half of the conversation, Mike and Crystal get into the SPD\'s calls being predominantly non-criminal, the surge in gun violence in Seattle and the need for the new mayor to respond with the police force they have (not the one they wish they had), the benefits of decriminalizing jaywalking, the continued refusal by the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission to request an investigation into Mayor Durkan\'s alleged illegal deletion of text messages, and the vital importance that the law be applied equally to all people - regardless of whether or not they are a public employee or an elected official.

As always, a full text transcript of the show is available below and at

Find the host, Crystal Fincher on Twitter at @finchfrii and Mike McGinn at @mayormcginn. More info is available at


\\u201cNearly half of Seattle police calls don\\u2019t need officers responding, new report says\\u201d by Elise Takahama from The Seattle Times:\\xa0

\\u201cSeattle police intervening in fewer mental health calls, data shows\\u201d by David Kroman from Crosscut:\\xa0

\\u201cDurkan Won\\u2019t Sign Crowd Control Weapons Bill, Raises Specter of Court Challenge\\u201d by Paul Kiefer from Publicola:\\xa0

\\u201cSeattle gun violence surges in 2021, as police force dwindles\\u201d by Angela King and Dyer Oxley from KUOW:

\\u201cKing County\\u2019s rise in gun violence doesn\\u2019t have an easy explanation\\u201d by Nate Sanford from Crosscut:\\xa0

\\u201cOur Letter on Decriminalizing Jaywalking: California Could Demonstrate National Leadership by Passing Timely Legislation\\u201d from America Walks:\\xa0

\\u201cSeattle 911 response times climbed in summer 2020. Now, police and activists debate what comes next.\\u201d by Lewis Kamb, Daniel Beekman, and Manuel Villa from The Seattle Times:\\xa0

\\u201cRecidivism and Reentry: What makes people more or less likely to succeed upon release?\\u201d from the Prison Policy Initiative:\\xa0

\\u201cEmployees who blew whistle on Seattle mayor\\u2019s missing texts file lawsuit against the city\\u201d by Lewis Kamb and Daniel Beekman from The Seattle Times:\\xa0

\\u201cMayor\\u2019s office knew for months Durkan\\u2019s phone settings causes texts to vanish, emails show\\u201d by Lewis Kamb, Daniel Beekman, and Jim Brunner from The Seattle Times:\\xa0

\\u201cObama leaves Trump a mixed legacy on whistle-blowers\\u201d by Eyal Press from The New Yorker:\\xa0

\\u201cThousands of Washington state workers seek exemptions from COVID-19 vaccine mandate\\u201d by Joseph O\\u2019Sullivan from The Seattle Times:\\xa0

\\u201cSeattle police union pushes back on Jan. 6 investigation\\u201d by David Kroman from Crosscut:\\xa0

