77: Aly Raisman

Published: Feb. 19, 2014, 2:22 a.m.


aly raisman interview
Miss Aly Raisman, the most decorated American in London and the Olympic champ on floor.


This Week\'s Interview


She used to be called "my mini-me" by Alicia Sacramone and then she became one of the most consistent gymnasts in the United States. She clinched team gold for the Fierce Five \\xa0in London with a clutch performance on floor. That routine featured some of her trademark INSANE tumbling. She\'s back in the gym and ready to return to competition later this year. \\xa0We discuss:

  • If she\'s still on track to be back for Classics in Chicago.
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  • Bars, bars and bars, yes, she talks about her love/hate relationship with bars.
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  • Her advice about handling pressure (because she\'s so freakin\' good at it!)
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  • Crazy skills she\'s been working on. Kenzo look out!
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  • What helped her improve her flexibility and toe point last year.
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  • What happened with Jordyn in the training room when Aly advanced to all-around finals without her.
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  • How her relationship with coaches\\xa0Mihai and Silvia\\xa0Brestyan\\xa0has changed since the Olympics.
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  • Her thoughts on the Chinese age controversy in Antwerp.
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  • How she deals with fear, even when Miahi calls her a chicken!
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