182: Triumvirate of Glory

Published: Jan. 20, 2016, 3:03 a.m.


sexy male gymnasts in speedos in brazil


Paul Ruggeri, Steve Legendre, Brandon Wynn, Donell Whittenburg, Sam Mikulak, Danell Leyva, Alex Naddour and Jake Dalton (L-R) at training camp in Rio.




\\xa0In the News


In the news, Jessica, Spanny Tampson, and Lauren Hopkins\\xa0chat about:

  • The most important innovator on vault of all time, Natalia Yurchenko gave a fantastic\\xa0interview\\xa0\\xa0which made us wonder if more cultural context is needed when commentary is given about the Russian gymnast\'s sideline\\xa0
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  • Who we are most excited to see at the American Cup and why Mai Murakami is going to win floor according to Jessica.\\xa0
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  • NCAA (19:00) \\n
    • Why aren\'t there more head coaches of color in the NCAA?\\xa0
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    • Heroes of the week: Alex Marks (OU), Kennedy Baker (FL), Michaela Gerber (UCLA)\\xa0
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    • The Yurchenko 1.5 situation
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    • Can someone interpret Charity Jones (OU) floor routine for us?\\xa0
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    • Which team we\'d buy a workout video from because their conditioning is insane!
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  • Gymternet News (49:00)\\n
    • Afanasyeva has ankle treatment in Munich
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    • Why do all the Russians have to go to Germany for medical care?\\xa0
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    • Nica Hults got a 10 on beam while Simone Biles cheered like crazy\\xa0and Chusovitina\\xa0intimidated the judges at the Texas Prime meet.\\xa0
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    • The US men wore culturally appropriate bathing suits on their trip to Rio, and shocker, the world responded with joy!
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    • Where we\'d send the US women for international training camps like the men have.\\xa0
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What:\\xa0One lucky listener will have their very own unique\\xa0skill or routine\\xa0written into book two of the Lauren Hopkins 2016 trilogy.


How:\\xa0Tag us\\xa0in\\xa0your routine (5 skills) or skill invention with\\xa0#2016trilogy on our\\xa0Facebook\\xa0page or\\xa0Twitter. For example, "1.5 twisting Shapahnikova catch in reverse grip to immediate Geiger @GymCastic #2016Trilogy"


Prize: \\xa0A copy of Lauren\'s book, "Finding Our Balance"


Deadline: Enter by midnight on Sunday, Jan 24th




\\xa0Support this amazing show!

  • Join Club Gym Nerd\\xa0here.
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  • Buy one of our awesome shirts here.
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