110: 2014 US Championship Preview Show

Published: Aug. 19, 2014, 6:21 a.m.


the gymnastics podcast preview of championships


\\xa0In the News


This week\\xa0Jessica, Uncle Tim\\xa0and Evan preview the 2014 P&G Championships:

  • Since Evan will be doing commentary for the junior women and junior men\'s\\xa0broadcasts, we try to come up with new descriptions for commonly used commentary-isms!
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  • We predict the winners, dark horses on each event and the all-around for the women\'s junior and senior field.
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  • Jessica and Evan\\xa0argue about who will steal the junior show: Deanne Soza, Jordan Chiles, Nia Dennis or Norah "Lord of the Beam"\\xa0Flatley.
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  • A listener implores us to examine the rare and uncommon\\xa0bar routine of Miss Lexy Ramler.
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  • Why Rachel Baumann\'s\\xa0tumbling\\xa0is comparable to Beyonce, and Rachel Gowey is the Laurie Hernandez of this year\'s floor joy.
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  • Our sentimental favorites, the kids who may not medal but we can\'t wait to watch: Morgan Hurd, Lauren Navarro, Emily Gaskins, Amelia Hundley.
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  • The infamous ants-in-your-pants\\xa0choreography for Gabi Gheorghiu that\\xa0Marta Karolyi did.\\xa0
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  • We give advice\\xa0about managing body image when starting adult gymnastics, celebrate our listener-scientists, and find out about all of the "country gymnastics" that our listeners do!
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Related Links


Find out how to watch live here.


2014 P&G Gymnastics Championships live schedule


The 2014 WAG Rankings from The All Around here.


Keep checking The Gymternet for updates on scratches from the meet. here.


The Secret Classic by the numbers here, some sexy data from Lauren.


Interested in trying gymnastics? Discover which gymnastics discipline is right for you, including adult, acrobatics, parkour, trampoline, tumbling, group and rhythmic here. Then find an adult gymnastics class on Jessica\'s website, master-gymnastics.com.


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Watch this week\'s playlist on\\xa0YouTube here.


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