The GREEN Organic Gardener Podcast December 2019

Published: Dec. 14, 2019, 7:15 a.m.


Are you wondering why we are rebranding ourselves as the GREEN Organic Gardener Podcast?

Listen here to learn what\'s new!

Get ready for our first episode as the Green Organic Gardener Podcast where Jeff Lowenfels author of Teaming with Microbes, Teaming With Nutrients and Teaming With Fungi and his new book on DIY Cannabis, from Anchorage Alaska prepare to be dazzled! Afterall what would Greta think?

Love all of you green future growers out there!

Do you have your climate story ready?

Hey there Green Future Growers! thanks for joining us today. If you\'re new to the show, I hope you\'ll subscribe on iTunes or your favorite Android app and let\'s get growing.



Hey everybody, JackieMarie Beyer here, I\'m driving to work so there might be a little static in the background, but this is like a good place for me to record, I feel like because it\'s kind of quiet in my car for me and I don\'t know it\'s just a good time for me. Thoughts are fresh in my head, I find like when I get my microphone out and I\'m sitting at my desk later in the day, or even if I get up on a Saturday morning and do it, I\'m just like, what was I going to say?



So anyway, in case you happen to notice there\'s a new word on the podcast logo, the Green Organic Gardener podcast. And it\'s funny because like, I\'ve been trying to figure out how could I narrow my niche? And like reach out better to people. I mean, I feel like I have my avatar dialed in, but I don\'t know. I just, I just want to be unapologetic on my show and I, 1000% support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez\'s Green New Deal, and believe that, you know, just that my podcast, you know, definitely has an environmental focus.

1m 36s


Like I call you Green Future Growers because I believe we\'re all dedicated to growing a greener future. And so I hope I\'m not offending anybody. And if we lose some listeners, I think it\'s just like, I was listening to Sally Hogshead yesterday on the Marie Forleo show. If you don\'t know who she is, she wrote this book called Fascinate and like, I\'ve taken her Fascinate quiz. If you\'re a listener and you\'ve taken her Fascinate quiz and you want to send me your results, that would be so amazing. Or just like anything that you feel that would help. But like at the top of my, every time I do an interview with anybody like Sally Hogshead has this Fascinate quiz for businesses and she kind of like gives you these four powerful words.

2m 21s


And I look at those four words every time I get on the mic to do an interview and talk about. Anyway, it\'s what Sally was saying like on the top of her front page, she has this thing about Hogshead means, I don\'t know, like 144 barrels of mead or whatever, if you don\'t like it. Like, I guess she gets a lot of flack about her middle, her last name, but she put something up there, like some kind of like curse word, or just like, if you don\'t like this, I don\'t know. But she says, people have actually written her and said, we were going to work with you until we saw your homepage. And then we decided not to, and she\'s like, what a greet screener.

3m 4s


And so I do kind of feel like, and I know there are people out there that have very different political beliefs from me that have been listening to my show. And I, you know, you\'re more than welcome to listen. I\'ve said before, I\'m everybody\'s favorite Democrat. If you\'re a Republican, I have plenty of friends who are Republicans, but I...'