Farmer's Markets | Fall Plantings | Natural Cleaning | Soil Sista Saturday Week 3 | August 7, 2021

Published: Aug. 13, 2021, 2:54 p.m.


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Basil I planted June 21, 2021

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With my soil blocker

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is img_7289.jpgSuch an awesome couple

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is img_7290.jpgOMGOSH! These blossoms were the best! Follow them on instagram

Sorry about the sound listeners. lFind the partially edited Computer Generated Transcript below.

Hey everyone. This is JackieMarie Beyer. Your host here to help inspire you on your journey to create, grow, and enjoy a green, organic oasis. So let\'s get growing. Welcome to the GREEN Organic Garden. It is Saturday, August 7th, 2021, and we\'re doing Soil Sista Saturday again. So Aileen Catrone our Golden Listener from 2020 in New Jersey is here to share with us, how are you? 



Great, wonderful, excited. The garden is still going. Everything\'s surviving. How are you? 



What\'s your weather? Like we have clouds today. We might actually get rain and it\'s been cooler the last two days. 



No, it\'s been really nice and sunny all week. It has not rained, which it\'s kind of good because we had so much rain. You know, you get a lot of that, that blight coming and stuff like that. So I\'m trying to head that off a little bit, you know, taking all the, you know, the underneath the stems and stuff that are touching the soils and stuff, cleaning out the tomato plants a little bit underneath to still keep them going, which is nice. I have some squash coming up. I have pumpkin\'s coming up. I\'m so thankful. Zucchini coming up. Eggplants still going too, which is wonderful. 



I have some green beans, so I\'m excited. It\'s working out. It really is. I\'m thankful. 



You do have green beans coming already? 



Yes. Yeah. These little and they\'re purple. And then they turn green when you cook them kind of thing. So they\'re pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. It\'s not a lot. 



Mike has green beans coming on. I think I saw down, I think I ate one the other day, even. 



Mike has some green beans? 



Yeah! He has lots of green beans...'