325. I want this garden to work for me and not me work for it |Patti Armbrister | WiseGrowerGuru.com

Published: July 5, 2020, 4 p.m.




Hey there, green future growers! Thanks for joining us today. If you\'re new to the show, I hope you\'ll subscribe on iTunes or your favorite Android app and let\'s get growing.




The amazing Patty Armbrister is going to offer the most incredible composting class you\'ll ever take completely online.


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Saturday, July 18th, 2020, it\'s only $37 and you will get a seat. You will get a copy of the replay. You will get to pick her brain question in the answers. We\'re just gonna rock the composting, how to do composting the most efficient, effective, and best way to improve the results in your garden today. Yeah, there we go.

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All right. Welcome to the GREEN Organic Garden Podcast. It is Friday, June 26, 2020, and Patti Armbrister talked me into doing a video live. So here we are doing video, but she\'s going to do some screen share and I\'m going to turn it over to her so she can tell us all her amazing golden seeds. So welcome to the show. Patti, welcome back to the show Patti.



Well, yes, thank you, Jackie. I just see later that we are going to get to have a conversation to share and listeners posted about coming to visit.



I haven\'t posted the advice you gave me, but I talked about, well, maybe I recorded it.It was one we met with Robin in Whitefish. Actually I recorded it on the way home. So I haven\'t done an episode about you coming to visit. So I guess listeners you\'ll hear that soon, but in the meantime, what are we going to talk about today?



Yeah, they\'ll be good. Oh, we\'re going to talk about all kinds of stuff for one thing. It\'s here in Eastern Montana. It is like the most phenomenal growing season you\'ve ever seen or I\'ve ever seen. And I\'ve been here since 1990 to give you an idea that then every single season has been different, right? But this year, this spring is just unbelievable. The plants can\'t ask for anything more than what they\'ve received this year.



So they\'re just looking amazing and producing!


So, yeah, I\'m pretty excited that I\'ve been able to eat kale out of my garden for the month!

Previous to that, I was eating out of the passive solar greenhouse as a school.


My goal is to eat kale year round, growing in Montana.


So that\'s what I want to be...'