314. Green TEAM Academy | Online Earth Summit| Climate Action Breakthrough Joan Gregerson | Denver, CO

Published: April 12, 2020, 6 p.m.





Tell us a little about yourself.

In Denver CO, one of a big family

I\\u2019m 59 years old

we were nature kids

IDK if they understand that they are nature kids

being one of 8 kids ~ my poor mom trying to cook for 10 people 3 times a day

  • climbing trees
  • digging holes in the backyard

At age 10 got my first job working for my dad if I needed a dollar

He was a petroleum engineer, so I plotted all the data. You plotted a curve on logarithmic paper and draw it out to 0. No wonder I\\u2019m such a nerd! and I\\u2019m on my 5th grade. I ask him

  • what are you doing?
  • why are you focused so much on this?

I was age 10 that was 1970 he said, I\\u2019m talking to people at the oil company.

I thought the adults have it under control

first earth day was in 1970

10% of the population

it was really started as a teach in

series of teach in

people just get together and talk to each other

what do you feel like is important

what do I feel is important 

and what do we need to make the environment personal to them

working on projects together

demanded the government change them?

That was the start in 1970 under Republican Nixon

  • started the EPA
  • clean air act
  • clean water act

I thought great we got this thing together!

1978 President Carter came to colorado

opened the solar energy institute

I went to the University of Colorado and said I want to work in Solar and they said we don\\u2019t have it so that should have been my first clue, that maybe the adults don\\u2019t have it under control

got into engineering

my way to make a big impact

results weren\\u2019t just the water saving projects didn\\u2019t have the results I expected

no culture around it we just did projects and left

we didn\\u2019t ever deal with the people

I wasted a lot of years trying to do things in my community on my own

spending up a lot of effort and not having much impact. 

I ended up in Longmont

became a non-profit

in less then 2 years

I don\\u2019t think I heard the word community when I went through engineering. That\'s sort of what brought me what I am doing now, I learned what works in Longmont, I went to my hometown, and want back to Denver where we had similar amazing results!

We\\u2019re told for climate action to do these things, but the first climate action should be:

start a TEAM

climate action

  • grow more food
  • do recycling in your kids school or start a community garden
  • bike share
  • make a huge impact

that\'s why I started the Green TEAM Academy

EWS20-Banner-12nd year of doing this Earth Week Summit


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