26 (S2,E6) Welcome to MudChem Festival!

Published: March 2, 2021, 11:13 p.m.

b'Oh Boy, an ep featuring The Adventures of Cassidy \\u201cShootout\\u201d Oakley, the Filthy States Favorite Cyborg Centaur Cowboy! He has finally found the Legendary MudChem Festival, Home to Mauraders, Drug Alchemist, Food Trucks, Dumpster Bandits, Hyper-PopStars, Broken World Celebrities & so much more! But just why our intrepid adventure is there Is for you to find out, TODAY! Featuring Recon Reports on Cryptids, Wrestle Updates & a New Fuel Farm Robot Prince Eern is up to?!?That\\u2019s some GVR TO YOU! Find more GVR content on Twitter @GreaseRadio, show updates, live Quest Board & art of your fav characters! Checkout Bullet Teeth\\u2019s latest project, 4 lofi singles this month & a few instrumental EPS to checkout on Bandcamp & SoundCloud Under Bullet Teeth! \\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/GreaseValleyRadio/support'