Paddy Manning on Rupert, Lachlan, Tucker, Trump, succession and Succession

Published: May 12, 2023, 1:07 a.m.

This week we talk with\xa0journalist\xa0Paddy Manning, author of\xa0the 2022 book\xa0The Successor: The High-Stakes Life of Lachlan Murdoch. Manning is no stranger to\xa0writing about\xa0powerful people, having previously penned biographies of former\xa0prime minister\xa0Malcolm Turnbull and former mining billionaire Nathan Tinkler.

He's also working on a PhD,\xa0A Century of News Corporation, and is appearing soon at both the Sydney and Byron\xa0writers\xa0festivals.\xa0Hosting\xa0this conversation about everything from Rupert\xa0and Lachlan,\xa0Crikey\xa0and\xa0Dominion, Tucker and Trump and Succession for the Murdoch\xa0empire is\xa0the editor of Good Weekend, Katrina Strickland.

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