Good Weekend feature writers on the art and labour of longform

Published: Dec. 16, 2022, 6 p.m.

It\u2019s been said that in longform journalism, there are no shortcuts.

To start, there\u2019s the difficulty in gaining access to high profile subjects, then managing the public relations operatives keen to control any interaction. Next comes the balancing act between reporting and writing - between calling as many as 60 sources for a single story, then shaping that trove of raw material into 5000 words that command attention.

It\u2019s a specialist craft, and in the final episode of\xa0Good Weekend Talks\xa0for 2022,\xa0Good Weekend\xa0editor Katrina Strickland hosts a discussion with senior writers Jane Cadzow and Amanda Hooton. As veterans of the magazine, Cadzow and Hooton have mastered the process, developing that all important nose for the story, eye for detail and ear for a quote.

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