Andrew Quilty on photography in a combat zone

Published: Aug. 5, 2022, 8 p.m.

The cars with blown-out windscreens stood out, as did the demolished shopfronts. Things like this led photojournalist Andrew Quilty closer and closer to the heart of ground zero in Kabul, where a bomb had been detonated, following the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Quilty is the focus of a feature story in this Saturday\u2019s\xa0Good Weekend\xa0\u2014 \u201cAs the Taliban advanced on Kabul, Andrew Quilty landed at its airport\u201d \u2014 and the award-winning photographer is joined in conversation by the author of that piece,\xa0Good Weekend\xa0senior writer Tim Elliott, for a chat about life in that country\xa0before, during and after the withdrawal of US troops in 2021.

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