
Published: Aug. 8, 2010, noon

b'I like reading my emails while I\'m sitting here in my big, comfortable, black leather poppa chair in my living room. It\'s comfortable. I like comfortable. But like anybody else, except with your oh so very koolest guys. That\'s kool with a k. I sometimes get frazzled and furious. I have at times started fist fights. And I have been known to leak suspiciously around the eyes at sad movies, or moving music. Very un-kool. And I don\'t care if you know it. \\n So...an email just came in from proud podcast participant Betsy Kemp. Betsy says, "This is no good. We need to keep our quarterback nice and mellow." Betsy, I am usually a mellow fellow. I like being that kind of cool. But I don\'t spell it with a K. See... I also like being hot. Getting hot has gotten me into a lot of trouble in my life. It\'s left me with scars from fights, and scars from love affairs, and it\'s gotten me fired from radio stations, and damn near got me killed a couple of times trying to do some things...some crazy things...that simply couldn\'t be done...not by me at least. But you know what? It\'s worth it. It\'s definitely worth it. Heat is neat.'