Season 2 | Ep 33 | "How Far Does my Voice Go?" | A Mullah Nasruddin Tale | A Turkish Legend

Published: July 14, 2023, 6:30 a.m.


The Legend of Mullah Nasruddin never fails to create magic!

The stories make you laugh, make you think, and question something that you know. If told right, every story will give you something to talk about.

In the previous season, we had a story, The Smell of Bread, another Nasruddin Story that opens up interesting thoughts and conversations about money and compensation.

"How Far Does my Voice Go?" is perhaps the shortest story on this podcast!!

All it takes is 100 seconds of storytelling to take a story like this to your Classroom, Living Room or Boardroom.

Listen to this story and my thoughts AFTER it to find some interesting ways to trigger conversations.

"How Far Does my Voice Go?" is also a question that I asked myself.

How far does the sound waves of THIS PODCAST go? Listen to the Episode to find out the list of countries where listeners listen to these stories!!

I would love to feature our Podcast Listeners!

Please fill up GOLPO LISTENERS FORM to connect with me. This will mean a lot to me!


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Story Source\\xa0| YSB Bag of Stories!

Please fill up GOLPO LISTENERS FORM to feature on the Podcast

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Until the next story...

Happy Storytelling!
