Episode 137: Tim Briand From launch monitors to in-home simulators with an industry leader in the launch monitors, the changing dynamic of golf and how Foresight Sports plays an integral role.

Published: March 31, 2024, 4:10 p.m.


Tim Briand\\xa0(IG:\\xa0@foresightsports, X:\\xa0@foresightsports, FB:\\xa0@foresightsports, YT:\\xa0@Foresight_Sports_) is the Director of Business Development for\\xa0Foresight Sports. Tims wide range of experience in the golf industry spanning two decades. He has been an asst golf professional, Lead Master Instructor, Master Fitter, and General Manager. Throughout his career Tim has demonstrated a strong understanding of the golf industry, exceptional leadership skills, and a track record of driving growth and customer satisfaction.



Books by Rande Somma

Why Do We Call Them Leaders?: https://amzn.to/3VIhDI6

Leadersh!t: https://amzn.to/3VY4zib


The Stack System\\xa0is the ultimate device to use when looking to biohack your swing speed. Co-developed by \\u2018The Savant of Speed\\u2019 \\u2013\\xa0Dr. Sasho MacKenzie, and PING engineer\\xa0Marty Jertsen, it is a device that every golfer can utilize to increase their swing speed.\\xa0The Stack System\\xa0uses AI to ensure that your development is as efficient as possible. To order The Stack you can do so on their website at\\xa0www.thestacksystem.com. Be sure to use the discount code\\xa0GOLF360\\xa0to receive your special discount.


Get your 15% discount on your next order of JustThrive Probiotic at\\xa0https://justthrivehealth.com/\\xa0(use code: GOLF360)

Looking to play one of the best golf courses in the Hilton Head Island area? Be sure to check out Old South Golf Links and have one of your best golf experiences ever\\xa0https://www.oldsouthgolf.com/
