Episode 126: Brian Manzella Everything you wanted to know about the Golf Digest and GOLF Magazine Top 50 Coaching List Its history, how to get on the list, how to move up, who votes, etc.

Published: Jan. 7, 2024, 2:01 p.m.


Brian Manzella\\xa0(T:\\xa0@brianmanzella, IG:\\xa0@brianmanzella, FB:\\xa0@brianmanzellagolf) is the Director of Instruction for\\xa0Brian Manzella Golf\\xa0as well as\\xa0Jacobs 3D. He has been amongst the best coaches in the country for many years and has been on\\xa0Golf Digest\\u2019s Top 50\\xa0for 6 years running as well as\\xa0Golf Magazines list of 100. He has helped numerous coaches learn more about the coaching and instruction business with some going on to win Section teaching awards as well as becoming Top 100 and Top 50 coaches themselves. He has taught everyone from beginner to world-class tour professionals. Over the years he has written numerous articles, produced countless videos and continues to delve deep into science as a part of the Jacobs 3D Initiative.



The Stack System\\xa0is the ultimate device to use when looking to biohack your swing speed. Co-developed by \\u2018The Savant of Speed\\u2019 \\u2013\\xa0Dr. Sasho MacKenzie, and PING engineer\\xa0Marty Jertsen, it is a device that every golfer can utilize to increase their swing speed.\\xa0The Stack System\\xa0uses AI to ensure that your development is as efficient as possible. To order The Stack you can do so on their website at\\xa0www.thestacksystem.com. Be sure to use the discount code\\xa0GOLF360\\xa0to receive your special discount.


Get your 15% discount on your next order of JustThrive Probiotic at\\xa0https://justthrivehealth.com/\\xa0(use code: GOLF360)

Looking to play one of the best golf courses in the Hilton Head Island area? Be sure to check out Old South Golf Links and have one of your best golf experiences ever\\xa0https://www.oldsouthgolf.com/
